Research on young artist groups in Taiwan VI

Artists: Shen Ting-Hua、Chou Tai-Chun、Lin Yan-Xiang、Huang Shun-Ting、Liao Chao-Hao


The art group "TOPO EARTH LAB" conducted a project in the Jhuoshuei River basin last year, focusing on flood legends in the area. The flooding scenarios, occurring before modern hydraulic facilities intervened forcefully, represented natural disasters capable of submerging entire villages. Simultaneously, they fostered the development of the largest agricultural planting area in central and southern Taiwan. The transformative history of the Jhuoshuei River community can be traced through temple inscriptions and oral stories surrounding various flood events in the basin.

 Moreover, along the Jhuoshuei River's banks, numerous water-related "厭勝物" can be found, such as 石敢當, stone towers, and Amitabha Buddha stone inscriptions. We construct an alternative portrayal of the Jhuoshuei River basin not documented in official history by narrating floods, miracles, drifting divine images, luminous sacred objects, and 厭勝物. We present an alternative depiction of the Zhuoshui River Basin that is absent from official historical records.



TOPO EARTH LAB is an artistic collective devoted to exploring the inseparable relationship between knowledge and the land. Through their creative initiatives, notably the "island exploration," they aim to establish localized knowledge by consciously focusing on the interaction between land and people.



t__u Volume 02 Ban-Yuan Chang Solo Exhibition 圖02 張般源個展


Nightcrawler-Engineering of Volcano Detonating 夜行者-引爆火山工程