Research on young artist groups in Taiwan III

Artists: Uînn Tsùn-pik, LIN Tzu-en, SUNG Hsin-i, Surco Makino

Curated by Kevin You Singgan



Jigsaw Falling into Place was the first self-released single by Radiohead after their departure from EMI. Literally and metaphorically, the title, song and its video unravel a mysterious, intoxicated and euphoric experience with the right timing, setting, and people–carefree and comfortably gathered together, confidently exploring their newfound creative freedom.

Jigsaw Falling into Place 是 Radiohead 樂團 2007 年離開大型唱片公司後,獨立發行的首支單曲,字面意思是拼圖拼上,引伸成謎團得解,天時地利人和。

While achieving the perfect combination of timing(天時), setting(地利), and people(人和) may be challenging, '天時地利人 tien-shi-di-li-ren (right-place-right-time-men)' are temporarily used in this exhibition to synthesize a brand new, modern-day type of Leviathan, a largely misinterpreted character, that embodies a group of art creators who do not wish to be bound by existing academic discourses and commercial trends. Even though fragmented body images recurringly appear in the works, the discussion-worthy aspects may go well beyond the physical body.

「天時」、「地利」、「人和」雖然難以企及,我們拼裝出『天時地利人』,暫且作為乘載一群不希望被各式論述及潮流綁架藝術創作者的新型「利維坦 (Leviathan) 」組合神獸身驅,即使作品中重複出現各式酷異身體形象,值得討論的可能不只是身體。

Launched in 2017, Nowhere Island Journal has been committed to challenging the stigmatized and misinterpreted history through experimental works such as project-based creations, art research, and curation. It does not have fixed members or restrictions, and aims to continue gathering professionals and non-professionals in the contemporary visual art field to explore various possibilities of non-typical creative methods focusing on locality, identity, and transdisciplinary experiences.

《鬼島踏查日記》2017 年創始以來,致力於挑戰受到污名、曲解、非主流的歷史觀點,執行計畫型創作、藝術研究和策展等實驗作品,沒有固定的成員和限制,希望持續召集專業及非專業當代視覺藝術領域工作者,一同探索以「在地」、「身份」和「跨域」經驗為主軸,實踐非典型創作方法的各種可能性。


DA-TOU When Pigs Fly 大頭 讓豬仔飛


Node To Node Zit-Dim Art Space Exhibition 節點走過來